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K-Devices ‘Shaper 2’: A Multi-FX Plugin that Redefines or Totally Destroys Any Kind of Sound Sources for Your Creativeness
K-Devices ‘Shaper 2’: A Multi-FX Plugin that Redefines or Totally Destroys Any Kind of Sound Sources for Your Creativeness
K-Devices, a French innovative developer of music software tools, has released 'Shaper 2' — a Multi-FX plugin designed to redefine or totally destroy any kind of sound sources for creative outcomes. Shaper 2 is a deeply creative tool that combines K-Devices’ classic wave-shaper with an innovative multi-fx processor. Shaper 2 supports VST, AAX, and AU (Audio Unit) formats in Mac and Windows.
(1) 'GATE': Glitch Gate with a Smooth parameter This module provides controls of Gate Threshold and Gate Smooth. Gate Threshold sets an amplitude threshold and Gate Smooth sets an interpolation time in order to get a smoothed transition between the signal above and below the threshold.
(2) 'SHAPER': Waveshaper with 5 inspiring functions — Muffin, Multistress, Cracker, S&M, and Bits&Samps SHAPER module features five functions and the parameters of this module change according to the selected function. Muffin is a digital warming function with a distinction in the weight that noise takes in the wet signal. Multistress is a highly fragmented function giving a modulated FM-ish results. Cracker is similar to Muffin, with an attenuated dynamic response. S&M is an amplitude modulation formula where modulation is driven by bended audio ramps. It provides a metal-like flavor to processed sound. Bits&Samps is a standard bit crusher.
(3) 'TRANSFORM': Transform module with Clip, Wrap, Fold, and sFold functions Transform module features four functions — Clip, Wrap, Fold, and sFold. Transform amount controls the incoming amplitude level. The signal will be affected by selected Transform function.
(4) 'RESONATOR': Resonator/Short Delay, that can act as a comb filter as well This module provides Resonator Time and Resonator Decay controls. Resonator Time controls delay time of the resonator and Resonator Decay sets decay of resonator feedback.
The Lopass and Hipass filter was added to Shaper 2 as a new feature allowing users to further fine-tune the processed sounds.
Additional Features of 'Shaper 2'
System Requirements: Available as VST / VST3 / AAX / AU formats.
* Shaper 2 is part of Phoenix Series plugins bundle. The Phoenix Series from K-Devices uses classic effects as a springboard for deep, intuitive and creative sound tools. The Phoenix Series plugins are multi-platform, available as VST, AU, and AAX, for Mac/Win, and work for a variety of instruments and styles. The Phoenix Series plugins are capable of familiar effects as well as experimental and randomized sound shaping.
Price €59.00
For more information on ‘Shaper 2’
About 'K-Devices' ( K-Devices was founded in 2012 by France-based Italian composer Alessio Santini to design music creation tools for Ableton Live and other music platforms. His products, which include HEXO, ESQ, Twistor, MOOR, Holder, HERSE, AutoBeat, Drumk 2, REF, Shaper, Moovmi, EXT, KFLUX, KFLUXin, and KFLUXsy, are used by an international roster of musicians and are available online at
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