Mixing (Quiz #2)

The Music Telegraph | Text 2019/09/02 [13:26]

Mixing (Quiz #2)

The Music Telegraph| 입력 : 2019/09/02 [13:26]



1. Signal going from a mixer to an effects processor is referred to as "return". Signal coming from a effects processor back to a mixer is referred to as "send".

a. True     b. False




Expander & Gates:


2. Which signal processor increases dynamic range relative to the input signal?

a. The limiter

b. The compressor

c. The expander

d. The gate




3. Which signal processor increases dynamic range by a fixed amount?

a. The compressor

b. The gate

c. The limiter

d. The expander




4. What is the parameter that sets how fast a gate opens?

a. Release

b. Attack

c. Threshold

d. Ratio




5. What is the parameter that sets how fast a gate closes?

a. Attack

b. Release

c. Threshold

d. Ratio




6. Which parameter is present in expanding but not in gating?

a. Hold

b. Release

c. Threshold

d. Ratio




7. What is the parameter that "tells" a gate to stay open even though the signal falls below the threshold?

a. Threshold

b. Release

c. Ratio

d. Hold




8. Using a gate to turn a primary sound on and off (eg: low frequency oscillator) with a command from a secondary sound (eg: bass drum) is referred to as.

a. cueing

b. pulsing

c. triggering

d. keying

e. c & d






9. Reverb is defined as,

a. echo

b. the persistence of a sound after the sound source has stopped.

c. multiple, random reflections of a sound increasing in density and decreasing in strength over time

d. delay

e. b & c




10. Which is not a type of reverb?

a. echo

b. acoustic reverb

c. "live chamber" reverb

d. digital reverb




11. What effect does reverb have on a sound?

a. It alters the envelope

b. It adds depth

c. It makes acoustic instruments sound natural

d. All of the above




12. A "Live chamber" is

a. putting a musician in a live room

b. a type of digital effects processor

c. a live room with signal fed to a speaker, reverberated, and returned to the mix via microphones

d. an "echo chamber"




13. The digital reverb parameter "initial delay" (pre. delay.),

a. controls the length of the reverb

b. controls how smooth or choppy the reverb sounds

c. puts a space between the original sound and the onset of reverb

d. equalizes the reverb




14. The digital reverb parameter "diffusion",

a. control the length of the reverb

b. controls how smooth or choppy the reverb sounds

c. puts a space between the original sound and the onset of reverb

d. equalizes the reverb




15. The digital reverb parameter "reverb time"

a. controls the length of the reverb

b. controls how smooth or choppy the reverb sounds

c. puts a space between the original sound and the onset of reverb

d. equalizes the reverb




16. The artificial reverb parameter that is used to alter the tone of the reverb is,

a. equalizer

b. hi pass filter

c. lo pass filter

d. notch filter

e. b & c




17. How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

a. you walk

b. you take the bus

c. you take the subway

d. Practice man, please. 











1. b


2. c


3. b


4. b


5. b


6. d


7. d


8. e


9. e


10. a


11. d


12. c


13. c


14. b


15. a


16. e


17. d







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