‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’: Inouï Samples’ Ultra Realistic Saxophone Sound Set

Over 11,500 sound samples and 13 major techniques of baritone saxophone provide ultimate expressiveness in your fingertips

The Music Telegraph | Text 2020/04/10 [12:58]

‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’: Inouï Samples’ Ultra Realistic Saxophone Sound Set

Over 11,500 sound samples and 13 major techniques of baritone saxophone provide ultimate expressiveness in your fingertips

The Music Telegraph| 입력 : 2020/04/10 [12:58]


▲ ‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’ main control panel

© Inouï Samples


‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’ is the result of extensive work in sampling ‘the Série III Baritone Saxophone’, the high-end saxophone of the latest generation of the world’s leading saxophone manufacturer ‘Henri Selmer Paris’. The Série III Baritone Saxophone has essential advantages for sampling sounds in terms that it provides an unparalleled tuning balance, a homogeneous tone color through all registers, and rich overtone sounds. The range and the dynamic of techniques in 'Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone' allow to use it not only as a tonal soloist instrument, but as a bass, a percussion, or an attack reinforcement for all kind of sources.




‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’ is a virtual instrument running under the full version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher. ‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’ comes with more than 11,500 sound samples and provides 13 essential saxophone techniques. ‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’ was designed for media composers, live concert, album composers, producers, beat-makers, and contemporary music composers.  




The Techniques and Sounds

Inouï Samples offers 3 editions of ‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’ - Classic Edition, FX Edition, and Full Edition. In the Classic Edition, users can use 6 techniques such as dry slap, wet slap, staccatissimo, staccato, marcato, and flatterzunge. In the FX Edition, users can use 7 techniques such as open mouth slap, open mouth slap (tonal), various glissandi, inverted path, wind, breathings, and keys. In the Full Edition, users can use all of these 13 techniques. 


First, let’s look around the 6 techniques and its sounds provided in the Classic and Full Edition: 


1) Dry Slap: This is very short slap, which is obtained by striking a reed with tongue without blowing breath. The sound is very percussive, and the tuning can be identified with a very short resonance.


2) Wet Slap: At the same time hitting the reed with the tongue, the musician exhales a little bit, which creates a slightly long, colored sound.


3) Staccatissimo: Staccatissimo is a very short note obtained by the air release under which pressure is applied. The musician blocks the reed with his tongue and instantly removes the tongue to open the reed and then shuts the reed with his tongue again. The sound is very delicate, and the attack and release time is almost nil.


4) Staccato: In attack, it works on the same principle as Staccatissimo, and the musician quickly cuts off the air injection and emits sound. The release time is slightly longer than that of Staccatissimo and the sound is more natural.


5) Marcato: It works on the same principle as Staccato, but the attack is slightly softer. The musician continues to sound for a few seconds.


6) Flatterzunge: The musician shakes his tongue in the mouth, hitting the high-pitched part of the reed to produce a unique sound. This sound is widely used throughout contemporary music, jazz, and rock music.



▲ The Choice of Technique



Next, let’s look around the 7 techniques and its sounds provided in the FX and Full Edition:


1) Open Mouth Slap: Open Mouth Slap is a sound that is generated by the player hitting the reed with his tongue while the mouth is open, giving a dryer sound than Dry Slap. The change in pitch does not follow the fingering of the chromatic scale, and each note on the keyboard is arranged the same as the fingering of the saxophone. The sound is percussive and can be valued in orchestration.


2) Open Mouth Slap (tonal): It is the same as the Open Mouth Slap, but the pitch change occurs according to the chromatic fingering. Note that this technique should not be used in orchestration because the player cannot have access to some treble notes, and the fingering of this technique is different from that of saxophone. 


3) Various Glissandi: Players can play glissandi without moving finger. Various glissandi can be produced depend on different harmonics generated by changing pitch and gliding position.


4) Inverted Path: This technique is often used by saxophone players to eliminate the gap between the mouthpiece and the reed. The goal of this technique is to vibrate the reed, but instead of blowing air, the player must suck and vibrate. Samples are classified from longest to shortest.


5) Wind (and keys): This technique expresses the edge of the saxophone sound and produces a unique and colorful texture. It can also reproduce the noises generated from the keys of the saxophone pressed by the player.


6) Breathings: In saxophone playing, the player's breath is a very important factor in distinguishing musical phrases. Inouï Samples offers a series of breathing sounds for each situation - inhaling, exhaling, exhaling and then inhaling, and noises from the player’s throat. These samples are classified from the longest to the shortest sound.



7) Keys: This technique provides almost all the sounds from the movement of the saxophone keys that occurs when the performer plays the saxophone. In this technique, differences in sound were considered according to the movement directions of the keys pressed by the performer. This module can be used to prepare orchestrations to be executed by the saxophonist.




Microphone Settings

Each technique provided in ‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’ was recorded in three ways: 


1) Room: Intermediate position using a pair of small diaphragm omnidirectional condenser microphones (stereo), this allows you to enjoy the width of sounds from the baritone saxophone.


2) Close: Close position using a large diaphragm cardioid condenser microphone (mono), the sound is highly precise and the transients perfectly reproduced.


3) Ribbon: Placed near the Close position, a ribbon microphone (mono) offers you an alternative with slightly attenuated transients and softer highs.



▲ The mixing console is made up of 3 channels, one for each microphone position


In addition, dynamic microphone (mono) was used for recordings in two ways:


1) Almost stuck to the mouth (over the mouthpiece) for breathings, in order to get the proximity effect on breaths and throat noises.


2) Boomed for saxophone keys to record each key as closely as possible.




The Modulations

Users can choose to enable or disable Acciacatura and Fall through the  Modulation panel. The knobs allow you to go further in the settings of these modulations. 



▲ Fall Speed & Fall Depth control    


1) Fall Speed: Changes the duration of the Fall

2) Fall Depth: Changes the depth of the Fall (it can go down-left, or up-right)

3) Acciaccatura Speed: Concerns the speed of Acciaccatura

4) The 4 icons of Acciaccatura allow to choose the interval and the direction of Acciaccatura


▲ Acciaccatura controls




With ‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’ You can do:

- Create your own expressions with more than 11,500 sound samples and 13 essential saxophone techniques

- For live performance use

- Make your own sound effects 

- and more.







€65 EUR for Full Edition


€50 EUR for Classic Edition


€25 EUR for FX Edition


*You can purchase ‘Stac & Slap Sax - The Baritone’: here (Full), here (Classic), here (FX) 





Inouï Samples Inouï samples was created to offer composers, producers, and sound-designers unheard sounds with strong musical potential. Whether the object of novelty is about the instrument, the sound pickup or processing, each of the virtual instruments produced by inouï samples is designed to fit naturally into your compositions. All acoustics experiments, physical and digital sound research we undertake are made with the aim of pushing forward artistic creations.





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