Tips on Reverb Use in a Mix (1)

The Music Telegraph | Text 2021/04/27 [11:25]

Tips on Reverb Use in a Mix (1)

The Music Telegraph| 입력 : 2021/04/27 [11:25]


▲ Reverberation Chamber

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Tips on Reverb Use in a Mix (1)


1) You will find that some instruments sound best with the dark reverb, while others benefit from the bright one. You may also find that some instruments sound good when they have a bit of each reverb. 


2) Keep in mind that reverb has a drastic effect on the field of depth in your mix. The more reverb there is on a track, the further away it will seem. Conversely, dry (reverb-less) tracks tend to sound closer to the listener. 


3) You may also employ the other processors, such as EQ or Dynamics, to create your mix in conjunction with the reverb. At this point, you have access to enough processing to create a full on, commercial sounding mix.


4) We have gone way beyond the idea of using artificial reverb just to simulate real world environments. Today reverb is its own sound element in a mix. We have torn the fabric of reality and can now make reverb be anything we want. There are as many different ways to alter a reverb, as there are people who try it, but one of the most common ways to alter reverb is to stop the reverb before it decays away. By not allowing the reverb to gently and gradually decay but instead abruptly cut it, we create a very different sound. The trick to creating this sound is to put the reverb signal through a gate and adjusting its threshold so that when the decay falls below it, the sound will cut off. 






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