Things to Check when Mixing

The Music Telegraph | Text 2023/10/02 [10:12]

Things to Check when Mixing

The Music Telegraph| 입력 : 2023/10/02 [10:12]


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Things to Check when Mixing


For your best mix, listen carefully to your tracks and consider the suggestions listed below.


  • Balance: check for the level relationship of the tracks. Which ones are supposed to be featured tracks (e.g. vocal, instrumental solos) and which ones are meant to support the mix (e.g. room tracks)? Which ones are supposed to blend with each other (e.g. kick and bass tracks)? Which ones are supposed to contrast each other (e.g. guitar track vs. keyboard track)? 
  • Frequency content: make sure each instrument is balanced by itself. Use equalization to blend tracks together or separate them apart. Also, beware of some tracks masking others because of their frequency content. (refer to this article)
  • Panorama: first, think about how the instruments are laid out on stage and try to follow their positions. You want to find a balance between your left and right channels with regards to the rhythm and melody of your instruments (e.g. you may want to separate a rhythm guitar from a comping piano, or two lead guitars from one another).
  • Spatial characteristics: you want to simulate the acoustical space as much as you can. Mix your tracks with regards to the physical space they occupy (e.g. are they in the foreground, middle ground, or background?) Here's where reverb and other special effects (e.g. delays) can help an instrument or vocal sound distant or close to the listener.
  • Dynamics: complement 'real dynamics' (i.e. let the performance indicate the general volume and strength of the song) with 'implied dynamics' (e.g. use automation to create crescendo). You can also think of a balance in terms of 'controlled dynamics' (e.g. using compressor) vs. 'allowed dynamics' (e.g. letting an instrument vary from loud to soft levels naturally).
  • Interest: once you have taken care of the sonic quality of your mix, think of the emotional character of your song. What are the highlights? How does the song evolve from beginning to end - what is its story?






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