Review: Expander Parameters

The Music Telegraph | Text 2019/09/03 [14:14]

Review: Expander Parameters

The Music Telegraph| 입력 : 2019/09/03 [14:14]

▲ Expander Plugin


Review: Expander Parameters



Expansion Ratio (or Slope)

The expansion ratio establishes the proportion of change between the input and output levels. A 1:5 ratio means that for every 1 dB of input level decrease below threshold, the expander output will decrease 5 dB. A 1:10 ratio means that a 1 dB input decrease will be a 10 dB output decrease. Gates have a ratio of 1:∞, meaning that once the input falls below the threshold, the output will be attenuated an infinite amount, effectively cutting it off entirely. 



Threshold (in dB)

The expansion threshold is the level at which gating will take effect. It is the level at which the  gate will attenuate the input signal. It is usually measured in dBv.



Attack Time (in msec)

The attack time is the length of time it takes the gate to "open up" and pass the signal. It determines how quickly the signal returns to unity gain. Attack times, which range in value from .25ms to 10 ms, can have a major effect on the quality of the expanded signal because they alter the "A" (attack) of the ADSR envelope of a sound.



Release Time (Decay) (in msec)

The Decay time is the opposite of the attack time. It controls how quickly (or slowly) the expander cuts the signal. Decay times vary from a few milliseconds up to several seconds. This control is best done by ear while listening to the material being expanded.



Hold (in msec)

This parameter keeps the gate open for the selected time interval even after the signal has fallen below the threshold setting. This is typically used when gating sounds that have some sustain. 



*The difference between a Gate and an Expander

An expander has the capability of reducing signal level at selectable rates (ratio) while a gate will reduce the input with a fixed ratio of 1:∞ (one to infinity). 






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